Hello, everyone! I’ve decided to create my room in Blender, and this is what I have so far. I know the proportions may seem a bit sketchy, but this is mostly due to the camera perspective. However, the door (the one that’s open) is too short, so I’m currently fixing that. I would have already started on texturing, but someone else is currently using the camera, so texturing will have to wait. Anyway, everything is done in blender. Enjoy what I have so far, and feel free to critique it
Updates (already). On the first render, I fixed the door problem, raised the slanted part of the roof, added a storage door, and added all of the outlets. The only update on the second render are the outlets.
The modeling is looking great, I’m sure it will look great once rendering gets under way! The lighting doesn’t look bad actually Just wondering, are you going to model anything else, or is this going to be an empty room?
It will definitely not be an empty room, as I’m trying to re-create my room as well as I possibly can, and unfortunately my room is far from empty :o Thanks for your response!
Here’s another update. I’ve added a smoke detector, an air vent, and a dresser (which I’ll probably modify).
lookin very nice so far
Thanks! I’ll be able to start texturing soon.
Curious, did u measure your room?
Looking good btw.
Thanks, DDD! And yes, I did measure it. I was thinking 1 blender unit = 1 meter, but since a meter is 3.28 feet, I ended up estimating a lot. Here’s a texture update; I’ve only done the door, but this should grow pretty rapidly, as the majority of the objects in the scene so far should be relatively easy to unwrap.
Great job. In fact, you just may have inspired me to model my own room. However the only thing involved in that is making a box with crumpled up pieces of paper and a bed with old clothes all over it.
Can’t wait to see this finished.
Thanks, GraphiX! Yeah, I have crumpled papers too, but I might just leave those out. I’m not particularly looking forward to sheets and blankets either (I’m not really a huge fan of the cloth sim; it never turns out well when I use it).
Anyway, here’s another texture update. I know the carpet looks tiled, but it won’t be noticeable once I add all the other clutter that’s trashing my room right now Oh, and the walls are purple because several years ago, this room belonged to my sisters. Unfortunately, it looks as though I won’t be painting it for a while now (and I guess it all depends on the light, right? :P)
Hey i have this carpet texture maybe u can use it.
Just change the color of it in gimp and you will be set
Thanks DDD! I’ll try it out and see how it looks.
In the mean time, I’ve now textured (or created materials for) everything I’ve modeled so far. Unfortunately, I’m nowhere near finished, but at least I have the basics laid out.
Looks great! Especially the lighting, very nice indeed
Thanks, DanaLou!
I’ve added floorboards now; they took a lot longer to position than I expected :spin:
Just out of curiosity, are you going to post photos of your room for our comparison?
Quandtum, I wasn’t planning to do that until I was finished, but I can post them sooner if you’d like to compare what I already have.
Anyway, I’ve decided to start from one end of the room and move my way across to the other, modeling as much as I can that’s in that area.
I’m starting on the side with the storage door (the one without the two closets), and that’s where I keep all of my musical equipment. I’ll start with two of the guitars (I have 4 in the room right now, including a bass). I have already modeled the PRS Guitar (I believe it’s somewhere in the finished projects section of this forum), so now I get to model my Carvin Bass. Here is what I have so far (it’s not much, though):
Ooh. Carvins are pretty nice. Oh, and if you use the carpet texture that DDD gave you, just change the rgb values in the image texture settings if you didn’t already know.
@ GraphiX, yes they are! And I did already know about the RGB values; I’ve even tried it already, but I liked the look of my carpet better (no offense, DDD). It just matches the room more. I guess I sound a little picky, but the carpet texture in my scene did come from my room, which is what I’m modeling.
It’s still a great texture, DDD! I just think mine suits this particular scene a little better.
Did some work on the tuning pegs (or tuners; I never know what to call these :P)
No, no. Your project, keep us hanging =D (I was just curious). Textures are looking awesome so far.