my toilette

this is my first post in blender artists… waiting for your critics and comments


your model looks good, and i really like the shaders but, there a many fireflys in the picture and i dont link the blue edge of the lens distortion.

cycles is at it again with fireflies :smiley:
+1 to BI
what? :smiley:

anyways, i think ur model and materials look great!

I come to defend Cycles again! :slight_smile: Fireflies are a result of something within the scene in Blender like caustics or light reflecting of a rough glossy object, not the render engine itself. Kmo is there anything in your scene like that or anything that seems to be causing the fireflies?

hahahaha :smiley:
so cycles cant handle a little gloss :slight_smile:

Just add a lightpath based filter and get rid of these fireflies
Hey, you obviously don’t understand how cycles works.
You BI lovers. Good luck, you gonna need it.
A little werd modeling, to tell the truth, completely wrong. Sorry.
I like the whole composition though.

Cycles can handle lots of gloss, it’s just when the light source bounces off rough gloss and then encounters another object the light is very complicated to calculate and it takes longer to render without noise and fireflies.

aaah, ok :slight_smile:
since this isnt my thread, i’m backing out…but this isnt over, my friend :evilgrin:

It’s a nice first project, but you still have a long way to go. Keep trying friend! :slight_smile:

Overal is nice…to reduce fireflys turn off caustics and set filter glossy to something 6-8…maybe that wil help.