My Work

Now that I have more band with (hopefully enough - 250 GB transfer a month should cover it) - I thought I would post a link to all my finished projects.



I am once again astounded and disappointed by this forum.

I’m browsing your site, great stuff!
I’ll comment on your work when I finish browsing,

I must say congrats for such great work! I love seeing 3D work for illustrating a book, because I don’t see um much :slight_smile: , and your images are very catchy ( especially the watches ). My connection is too slow so I didn’t open all the images.
Good luck with your book too.


Some very nice work, there, Pie-Guy.

The pics I have posted for my book are scaled down and are only a small percentage of what is in the book. I essentially modeled an entire computer to do the illustrations for my book. I am trying to find a publisher but it has been slow going. I may just release it online for free. I put much effort into writing the book, it would be ashamed to not have it out there.

Thanks for all the kind words.

Nice models! Good luck with the book!