Hello everyone !
I’m really new with blender and 3D in general, I’ve started using it in january
I think I did a mistake, my object and my world are turning green in the render mode and I don’t know why , you think maybe it’s because my computer is not enough powerful ?
Basically , I’m trying to make this glass human walking and reflected into the clouds…
Thank you in advance for your help !
You must give the human a Glass Material not the World.
Thank you for your answer !
I did it, but in object mode not the world mode , selecting my human
Here a picture of the effect on the model
I’ve try too , to make the clouds ( noise texture) , reflect on this glass body but I only have the HDRi of the world that refelct on it…
here another photo for more details, maybe should I delete everything and start again 
After have delete almost everything, in rendering mode , both of those elements are still green
Anyone can give me some help? I’m on evee
Please upload your Blend file, otherwise it is just a big guessing game
There are no texture and no World in your Blend.
Under “File->External Data->Pack all into .blend” you can include your textures in the blend file.
Thank you for your answer, but I don’t quite understand what is going on and what did I do wrong
So , i will try to explain what I did. This charcater come from iclone ( character creator ). This model came with a real skin textures and it wasn’t what i was looking for so I delete the files inside blender attached to the texture to make a basic human mesh and adding a glass texture instead.
Blender seems to not find those files
And what is more even strange is that I already try to render and it’s perfectly work…
I’l sorry if my english is terrible , I’m french.
thank you so much for your help 
Here the new file with the cloud world in the shading that I try to redo this morning :
Here a photo of the rendering that have actually worked a few days ago without any textures missing ^^
I just try to upload an image to the background and it’s work pretty well in the render
Some parts are missing from the blend.
But I don’t know what.
I have it “a little” rebuilt.
It looks different now of course, but maybe you can use it as a basis.
Merci, thank you for your version that I will probabely play with to understant what’s going on
I guess it’s just impossible to make volumetric clouds transparent to an object 
Thanks a lot for your help , i will try to play around and make the human like a mirror surface
Thank you for your time