My X-ray shortcut won't work

Hello! I’m having a problem were the shortcut for the X-ray mode (alt+z) isn’t working… I haven’t had an issue before, but after installing the latest version it no longer works!
I’m not sure if I need to switch something on in the Preferences or if its a bug… All my other shortcuts seem to work fine so I’m not entirely sure…
It does allow me to use other letters as shortcuts like alt+x but when I try to replace it with alt+z again it doesnt register.
Is there anything i can do to fix it?

Have you checked if you have a conflict with the Alt+z?
Probably, the shourtcut is being used by another operator… (thought we can’t know for sure without looking at your settings)

Is there a way to search up the shortcut in the preferences? Its just taking a while for me to go through all the shortcuts

Never mind i found the search bar

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:saluting_face: i didnt see it the first time, its been a while since I’ve used Blender

X-ray seems to be the only thing under that shortcut :sweat_smile:

That looks ok… Does the problem persist if you load the FactorySettings?

Yes it does

Blender version and OS?
And if possible, your ‘startup.blend’ and ‘userpref.blend’ files.

How do I find these files? :thinking:
My version is 4.2.3 LTS and my OS is Windows 10

In windows, the files are in C:\Users\$YourUserName$\AppData\Roaming\Blender Foundation\Blender\4.2\config.

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userpref.blend (169.0 KB)
startup.blend (833.8 KB)
Found them

I’ve test them against my 4.2.3 version and the Alt+Z works correctly…
Is your keyboard working ok? (I’m out of ideas, by now!)

I’m pretty sure my key board works fine :thinking: I mean I can use shortcuts with alt and z in them in other apps so I don’t think its my keyboard…

Its all good, Its a small issue I’ll probably find a different shortcut for X-ray mode, I just hope all my other shortcuts are working fine

Thank you for taking some time out of your day to assist me though!

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Just to double check as maybe I’m misunderstanding the problem: Your viewport shading isn’t set to Material preview or rendered display preview mode is it? It needs to be in either solid mode or wireframe mode for x-ray to work. Or is it actually the x-ray button is not toggling when you use the shortcut?