MyPaint 1.0.0

The always excellent MyPaint has reached its 1.0.0 version :

At the time i write, only the compilables source is available, the installer for the various OS are not yet ready but hopefully will be shortly.

edit : looks like there’s a window installer ready now :

Great news, thanks for the info.

I started using MyPaint just before the release of 1.0.0 and I liked it. The current version is better and nicer!

Yes, I can now test my new Wacom Bamboo Create in MyPaint… even though it seems that the earlier Mypaint releases don’t care to much for my tablet’s multitouch gestures. :frowning:

My apt-get upgrade in Debian testing installed 1.0.0 today. I played with it a little, but not enough to form a solid opinion. What I saw so far I like.

Noticed that MyPaint got 2 new feature : line tool and symmetry painting.
Unfortunately no window builds.

But fortunately, Tumagonx the one that was making the window build decided to make an easy-to-use “build envinroment” pack for window user (last updated april 2012) :

So you need to :
Download the pack from Tumagonx and extract it

Go to :
With “Master” being the selected branch (it’s by default), Click on “Source Tree” then on the following page to the right, click on “Download Master as tar.gz”

Extract the downloaded source code into the \src\ folder from the extracted Tumagonx package, being sure to follow :

The directory structure should looks like:

and NOT:

Then by example if you have win32 and want a portable build, click on the “build_portable.bat” from Tumagonx pack and wait.

Once finished you’ll have a “win32” folder that containt the very latest build of MyPaint for your window OS.

And it’s great, the symmetry function (found in My Paint -> Edit or just add the function on the tool bar) in itself is worth entirely moving to this new Mypaint, so amazing that you wonder how you could have used those kind of program without it, as good as symmetry when sculpting.

You can find them here. There’s even an x64 build.

No, you’re misunderstanding, i am talking about window build of the very latest source code.
The ones you linked are the now old 1.0 release that does not feature the symmetry or line tools.