nameSTACK [1.02.20]

Awesome addon! thank you for the work!
Im still figuring out how some stuff works, but it seems awesome and with a bunch of functionalities.

I used the add-on for a couple of days and it was great.
But sometimes I want to use alphabets instead of numbers for ordering.
Is there a way to do this?

Not currently, I am working on a rewrite that has this and counting with roman numerals available.

Great newsā€¦! :slight_smile:

Hello Proxe,

your addon is one of top addons I use every day, thanks for it.
I create many objects (thousands) and I would really use some additional functions if it is possible to implement them.

Here is a quick draft for the first, what do you think?


Another thing, I think I found a bug; when Name Panel is on and I select many-many objects (hundreds), Blender sometimes crashes.

The new batch namer in the works will allow for sorting/counting on numbers within the name.

This will be fixed in version 1.8 as itā€™s data management is far more reliable.

Will it be a manually handled one? Because I prefer in this case the manual control as I would like to rename objects one by one, matching special criterias (I just would like to avoid the extra work with renaming C01 to C02 manually), but I do not rename anything from C01 to C99 as I cannot give the info for the addon which will be which.

I know right now you are not charging money for this addon as its not completed, but when you do complete it, I could really use a batch renamer for textures, I know you said you will add this feature later on, Im just letting you know that at least one person could really use that functionally as soon as you can make it, as thereā€™s no other addon that is capable to doing this, I would gladly pay for your addon in Blender Market if you add this function on yours. I would pay for it right now, but your not selling it yet, and it cant batch rename textures yet either. Looking forward to a complete release :slight_smile:

Hello Proxe,

I ran to bug 4th times now, but you will hate me, because I have no idea when and what causes it, so I cannot reproduce it yet.

What happens:

Using the rename popup with ā€œFindā€ + ā€œReplaceā€ + ā€œCutā€ (last 4 digits) on selected objects sometimes accidentally seems to work on the whole scene, with renaming many other objects and meshes what takes to me hours to fix it (as it effects all the instances, too and transfer names does not have an option to reserve the ā€˜sourceā€™ layer for names without numbering).

Did anybody have the experience like this? As it is not an obvious bug and merging (appending) files from another blend is a complete mess in Blender, I do not have any idea how could I avoid it (it does not even rename all the files, just accidentally more than the half of them).

Any idea? Thanks.

Another possible bug:

If I want to add a suffix (.001) to a mesh/object named like Cube_Base_ it results Cube_Base.001_, not Cube_Base_.001

I can confirm the issue reported by AlmaTalp. Also, activating the ā€œCountā€ option removes the underscore entirely. I guess itā€™s part of the code that handles the suffixes, but it does exhibit unexpected behavior.
I personally wouldnā€™t use such punctuation (x_y_.001) but rather x_y.001 or x_y_001. But Iā€™m not here to debate that, I just confirmed the behavior.

But the main reason I wrote this post is to re-affirm how valuable I find this addon to be. Thanks again, proxe!

Thanks for the confirmation!
There is a reason behind the naming structure of course.

I have this feature on the table, it may be put off for a bit until I can iron out the details, I too would like to manually sort and count at times

I will definitely be including texture naming in the batch namer

Thanks for letting me know, I am not sure when I will be able to get to it or if it will happen before I release 1.8, 1.8 batch namer is using a much different approach, it also handles and holds onto information in a none conflicting additive process that essentially removes weird bugs like this.

Hello Proxe,

thanks for the feedback. Do you have any tips for the unwanted ā€˜renamesā€™ I wrote about?
Is there a ā€˜roadmapā€™" for the 1.8 release?


Well I am working a full time job, and spending most my free time on side work, such as Hard Ops and Box Cutter, fortunately between the namer prototype and name panel as it is I had a solid base to work with, in recent months I have consolidated that behavior while adding additional functionality and optimization into this rewrite, I have been mindful of the task at hand and should be able to release a testing candidate for 1.8 in about a month, with about another month of overall feature implementation work before official release.

For those that are interested I have recreated name panel so that it takes advantage of python style OOP in a way that makes future development and feature implementation much easier on my end.

Name Panel as it is, is very hard to work with because it was built on top of code that only pursued the next feature, lacking consideration for the complex thing that it is today, preventing it from becoming better.

Good to hear - I look forward to the next release then :smiley:

Thanks, Proxe. I look forward.

Went to Gumroad where I originally bought Name Panel but itā€™s no longer updated there, maybe a note could be added for others?