NASA Space Shuttle Orbiter - Hull design blueprints from NASA Tech docs found :)

I have been searching for this for quite some time. The shuttle as a whole is not a simple hull design it is broken up into components. The Forward Fuselage, the cargo bay, the wings, etc are all seperate components assembled/disasembled in the VAB (Vehicl Assembly Building).

I found that there is no one bluprint for the shuttle, but several broken down as the following diagram shows:

The actual blueprints for each of these sections is available from NASA directly and search engines will not tell you where to find them. NASA blocks them so I searched NASA archives and found 214 pages of the best quality prints that nasa has released. From the 1974 diagrams here is the location of the PDF from NASA’s Tech Reports archive :wink:

Its a little over 5Mb but has the entire hull of the shuttle. give the page a moment to load. Enjoy :eyebrowlift:

It took me a little over a week to find this resource so I hope several people group together and work on the various parts for a high quality/poly 100% accurate shuttle hull.

    2015/Feb 02
          Fixed the typo in the Title

In Memory of Orbiter Challenger - Jan 28, 1986 - Rest in Peace, never forgotten

I pulled out some images from the PDF and joined them together. The quality is fairly poor and barely legible, I’ll fix what I can once I get all the pages put back together.

Here are the first 3 pages of prints, there are more to come. You will notice they have all parts numbered. I will put the pages of part names last since it will be a large file. I also found the shuttle Main Engine which was in a seperate PDF :slight_smile:

I will be moving these on my OneDrive and linking them here instead of uploading, it looks like the forums made them smaller than they should be :frowning: and also turned them into jpg’s which distorts the images more than what they already are.

Once I get all the pages connected back together I will try to clean up the lines and text to be more clear. Maybe some color for the callouts, seperate parts, holes, etc… I will attempt to make all these into SVG’s so they can be scaled without distorting anything. That will take quite a bit of time though.

Here are the next 3, I tried to link these to my OneDrive but it didn’t give thumbnails :frowning: so here is the folder “OneDrive Shuttle Folder” I will update the folder with more shuttle prints as I get them pulled out of the PDF :eyebrowlift:

I wish the forums could allow more than 3 images per post.

3 more, get full size PNG from “My OneDrive”. I’ve counted the foldout sheets and there are 33 more to come, not including the call out description sheets. This will be the last post here with images unless a moderator tells me to go ahead and keep posting. Untill then, you will have to keep an eye on the OneDrive.

A note on OneDrive, when viewing images there, click “View Origional” then right click and save the resource. That will give you the best size without shrinking it.

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