Native 3ds max importer addon in blender 4.1!


I found the addon in addons_contrib folder

saw it. I don’t know if this means it’s postponed until 4.2 or if it will then be postponed indefinitely. Let’s hope there’s no ostracism or fear of Autodesk involved

Addons in the addons_contrib folder, do not ship with Blender releases. They are only in daily experimental builds because they are considered experimental.
With Blender 4.2 addons, now also known as Extensions, will be hosted at and only Extensions maintained by The BF will be shipped with Blender Releases.
The author can upload the extension to for it to be easily available.


Hi there, I just created an account here.
The 3ds max importer is only available in alpha builds but you can download it, put it in a folder coalled io_scene_max and then zip it. The zip can be installed in Blender preferences > add-ons
Unfortunatly it will stay in contrib for a while, the blender development will not add new addons to main because they introduced the new extensions machanism