Natural Poolrooms Vol.1

Hi there, :slight_smile:

I’m a technical artist working mostly on real time and visualization projects, but for relaxation I often sit down after work and go back to my first 3D software, which is Blender (my love).

The last four days I did a little project where I explored liminal spaces, especially “Poolrooms”.
It went a bit further though and now it’s just reminiscent of the original genre.

Hopefully the pictures will give you some dreamy feelings. :blue_heart:

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Poolroom Vol.0

Thank you for sharing your vibes.
Have a nice day.

Edit: I’m only allowed to post 1 image yet, so I will post the rest later. :slight_smile:



Nice render! And props for making the pool rooms look livable. Unique take on it, perhaps it makes it more eerie that there’s no one…

Thank you :slight_smile:
Yes it has a slightly different twist. Maybe more abandoned kind of feel and less “liminal”.

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