Nature sight

Hello everyone, this is my new job, I will be glad reviews )


it’s awesome, really nice grass and depth effect :slight_smile:

Really well done, I love these pictures!

These are incredible! I particularly like the colours in the second image. What were the render times like with so much grass?

veeeeeery nice idea
awesome job

Wow thats awesome! How long was the render time? This is an incredible work!

Very cool and original work.

super awesome use of color :smiley:

I agree with the others, spectacular use of color, detail, lighting, and shading. Same with the brilliant use of smaller details scattered through the image.

This is definitely one of the most detailed images to grace the forum for a while.

Thank you all for the kind comments, the approximate rendering time for two hours , so little because I had to stop the rendering, because of this, a lot of noise.