Navmesh with obstacle avoidance

Is there a way to use AI object chaser python component with obstacle avoidance? If not, i think it should be implemented :face_exhaling:

I have a few examples of using A* and blender meshes, we can change the cost function to effect the behavior ofnthe enemy/friendly units.

a_star_vertex.blend (990.8 KB)
in this search for .co

companion_5.blend (1.0 MB)
in here search for .center

I am unable to open the blend file since my laptop can only operate with upbge V0.30.0 and can’t open a higher version. I don’t hav money to get a better laptop so pls cld u redo the blend file in upbge V0.30.0 or just write down and explain the code here if it’s not complex

Yeah, I will backport for you.

Blender 4.1 stuff does not go backwards gracefully.

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Waiting… please i am waiting on you

I lost my hd a while back- so I need to redownload 3.0 to backport - but the holidays + some pipes breaking has been a issue.