NEBULA Tutorial Released

Any ideas on what I’ve done wrong here?

Hi DYeater,

If the problem happens with layer 3 can you render this on its own? You may need to add a simple light onto layer 3 to do this. Anyway, if this renders OK then there must be another problem.

What OS are you using (I use WINXP)?

How much memory does your system have?

I have been able to use over 4 layers in some of my animations without problems, and I suspect you could use all 20, so I think it must be another problem. Check the particle settings and click on the recalc button in the particle settings just in case something is screwed up. If none of these things help could you post your blend file or images of the particle settings for layer 3 so that I can examine?


I’m using Windows ME on an 1 GHZ AMD athalon with 128 MB ram. Blender version 2.36

I’ll try what you suggest … checking the particle settings … rendering layer 3 by itself. If I have no luck, I’ll email the blend file to you (I don’t have anyplace to host it).

Thanks for you kind help.

Hey Cog, I downloaded the PDF file and got an error that reads:

There was an error opening this document. The reader cannot decrypt this document.

I’m using Acrobat 4, which was the last of the non-convoluted code Acrobats. Did you make your document backwards compatible?

By the way, why does your website constantly reload itself? Every page on your site keeps reloading itself every so many seconds. No fun with a dialup connection!

Hi Excitron,

No I don’t primarily because v4 only offers 40 bit encryption.

I had a meta refresh tag set to 60 secs, which was a crude attempt to ensure that when I’m on my work network (during lunch) and trying to edit the pages it would update through our cache. It was done a long time ago. I have just changed it with a more user friendly bit of code which should remove the problem.

By the way I’m interested in the fact that you use a modem rather than broadband. Our graphic intensive sites tend to be incredibly slow on 56Kbit connections. I guess you are either in an area that hasn’t got it or it’s just too expensive. I may well put a little message on my site to warn users about these things.

Anyway thank you for pointing out these issues and I hope the refresh removal will work for you.


>>No I don’t primarily because v4 only offers 40 bit encryption.<<

Not sure why you’d need that on a tutorial, but I guess I can view the PDF on one of the machines at work.

>>I guess you are either in an area that hasn’t got it or it’s just too expensive.<

I have the option, but I haven’t seen any good deals. You either need to sign up for a year with one service (and hope you like it) or pay a fairly high fee to basically have doubleclick get info on you that much faster. :slight_smile: When I see DSL for $30 US a month with no strings attached, I’ll bite.

Depends on where you live. My parents get decent cable for $25.

:o WHOA, thats AWESOME!

I knew when I found blender that it could be used to make nebula somehow, I just didn’t know anyone had already done it, amazing job can’t wait to learn form your tut.

Guess this thread is dead but COG you’re my hero :smiley:

Hi Sonic TH,

It’s amazing what the search can find. That’s why I have allways tried to add a subject name that clearly describes the content. i.e; ‘it does what is says on the tin’. :smiley:

Anyway glad you found it and hopefully it will help you out.

Take care.
