Need a Crew.

Hey, I tried to model my first gun. its a M85 Assault Rifle.


Ive been working on a concept for a weapon design not quite sure if its a good enough concept though. The reason for this is im not sure if your suppose to have futristic weapons.

Alrighty guys thats awsome. Please use the sites forum. We are moving this whole thing to that site. We will be using modern day weapons just modified a bit to look more futuristic. Great job Red. It looks awsome.

what do you think about my script?

my name is mike.
im good at modiling and logic but i dont know how to script.

i have a concept of ai intelegence all logic. its still a prototype and needs work.
here is the file

jessop660: your avatar reminds me of 3d’s opening screen/menu on his game. I like it.

It’s me or you have only a few invisibles cubes ?!?!?! :eek:

You quit on us…

Yah wtf up with that man.

How dedicated am I, to Blender? Only about 5%. The other 95% is school.

WOW, this one closed down really fast!