can someone link me to somewhere that offers free vistitor counter that show hte total and dailey vistitor views and ar eeash to use. thanks
I personally use which is free, easy to use, and reasonably small. No, I don´t receive money for this advert :-?
Take a look at my page:
If you go near the bottom of the page you will notice two things:
a) a small visitor counter saying something like: “you are visitor #82”
This is my visitor counter number 1. If you like it you can get it from:
all you have to do, is to register with them. Then they provide you some code to copy-paste to your page and that’s it!!! The only obligation you have, is that they just ask from you to mention at your page, that you got the counter from them.
b) A text saying “stats by eXTReme” and a small “planet-like” image next to it. That’s my second visitor’s counter, only it doesn’t provide you only with the number of your visitor’s but also with lot’s of other statistic information, like what day was the highest visitor’s count, last 20 days statistics… etc. Pretty nice huh???
You can get it from:
I hope this helps you…