does anyone struggle with removing Ngons and Tris ?? for example after using knife or boolean, they feel like a different case exercise each time, i’d appreciate a course/tuto if anyone knows any.
there are cases where i can fully work with quads, but for a case like this for example :
where i need to make that spiral extrusion, i’ll need the knife tool, and i’ll need to clean up the topology somehow, but i don’t know how to start going about joining and dissolving verts/edges/faces, which ones to join ?, where to make two adjacent tris ?, what to dissolve ?, where to start ?
so i’d be grateful for a tuto that explains the thought process behind cleaning up.
I agree with @MichaelBenDavid’s suggestion. What you are essentially doing at that point is called “Retopology” and trust me - sometimes it’s a pain but all you need to do is train.