Need Advice/Course

does anyone struggle with removing Ngons and Tris ?? for example after using knife or boolean, they feel like a different case exercise each time, i’d appreciate a course/tuto if anyone knows any.

there are cases where i can fully work with quads, but for a case like this for example :


where i need to make that spiral extrusion, i’ll need the knife tool, and i’ll need to clean up the topology somehow, but i don’t know how to start going about joining and dissolving verts/edges/faces, which ones to join ?, where to make two adjacent tris ?, what to dissolve ?, where to start ?

so i’d be grateful for a tuto that explains the thought process behind cleaning up.

thanks in advance.

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I agree with @MichaelBenDavid’s suggestion. What you are essentially doing at that point is called “Retopology” and trust me - sometimes it’s a pain but all you need to do is train.

Happy Blending!

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There is also a simple way to create and modify Bolt.
But it’s not that easy to modify. :slightly_smiling_face:

hdfd.blend (1.1 MB)

I think it will be helpful if you refer to the video below for modeling tips.

For an untextured object and for planar faces you might even don’t need this (expect maybe triangulation of n-gons because some apps do not like them.