Need advice on creating rolling OCEAN WAVE simulation

I have been trying to recreate an old gaming style wave simulation. I am struggling to achieve the exact wave I am after. The closest I have come has been through the ocean and wave modifiers. I have no idea how to turn the wave into a barreling wave like in these images. Real liquid simulations do not give me the desired look and style either.

Here are examples of what I am trying to achieve. Bottom right is my closest attempt.

  • I can get the wave to build and appear out of the ocean as a normal wave would. I have foam on the surface of the ocean. But I am fairly inexperienced and have no idea how to make the wave start barrelling and have foam splashing as the wave contacts the surface of the water.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated!

Please help if you can! Thank You!

Hello Metledpavement! First of all, let us welcome you to the community. :slight_smile:

As an aside, if this game is old, then I’m reasonably sure that the waves were not simulated, but faked. Which means that bare simulation in Blender is still not going to yield the same results.

  1. There are Foam, Spray and Bubbles options under the fluid physics / liquid / particles tab. Foam and Spray should be enabled.

  2. you will need rather high precision (resolution division option) to make realistic particles. This is just a warning. I also think that the reason your wave’s inner curve is not perfectly round is due to that.

2.1 In order to get the wave to start crashing from one side and the break moving to the other, I think you can create a pusher object that is slightly slanted and not completely perpendicular to the beach.

Anyway, I have just been searching for a similar thing, and found a few videos on YT. I am actually looking for a different video than the one I will link here, but it should help get you started.

Hey thanks mate. Yeah I unfortunately haven’t bought the flip fluids add on and real liquid sims don’t give me the desired result. I actually managed to fake the barrelling wave by modelling a barrel and then attaching to the wave & ocean modifier.

So basically faking the the barrel completely. But I’m pretty happy with the result. Nice to not have to bake all day to find the right result!