I am making eve from wall-e but for her face screen i have no idea how to do that, any easy ideas and how to do it?
Odd… in the right hand picture from the lighting it almost looks like the face is recessed and there’s a rim around it. Not evident in the other references. I’m also a newbue, but the following techniques come to mind:
Maybe - select the area of the face in edit mode, duplicate it to another object. (Shift-D, P) Move that forward a tiny bit and color it black? extrude or solidify into the head and parent or join to keep in place?
Same trick for each eye with blue? That would make it easier to animate shape of blue in each eye…
Alternatively, not sure if you could shrink-wrap a flat predetermined shape to get a nicely rounded face attached to the head? Or would shade smooth the faceplate object remove the sharp corners? Needs experimenting.
I would research some tutorials on retopology. Then, I would use the head you have right now only as a guide for the shape and manually create a new mesh with the edge loops going around the shape of the face screen.
Thanks for the advice, what you said give me and idea. i drew the shape using a retopoloty type was to get a shape from the front, but it was just flat. then i used that and the used shrinkwrap to wrap it around the head. never worked with an imported image however what you said led it to work. appreciate it.
( secretly hopes that final render will be done with… EEVEE )
Come on, you were all thinking it…!
Damn, that’s some funny shit. But unfortunatly cycles is the way.
You have understood the idea, but I think I see some jagged polygons on the side of the screen (I’m not sure, it’s a bit hard to see with the compression in the image).
If that’s the case, you should make sure there is an edge loop going around the shape, like this:
That’s pretty easy to do. Just select the whole screen and use the inset tool. You might have to adjust some of the interior polygons so they don’t overlap the new border. Once that is done, you will have a smooth border that will respond well to subdivison and is easy to adjust.
This is where i am at. I added wall-e a model i previously made. Any ideas on how i can easily make those trash cubes in wall-e?
Those trash cubes are not exactly an easy thing to model, but here is my take on it:
Step 1-
Create a cube, delete the top face and extrude the edges into a funnel. Then, set it as a passive rigid body (make sure its collision is set to “mesh” and not convex hull). Then, we are going to drop rigid body garbage pieces into the cube until it’s filled.
For my exemple, I am using only basic shapes, but you could use fully modeled objects with various materials and textures.
Make sure the garbage objects have a decent amount of polygons, because we are going to deform them later.
Step 2-
select all the rigid bodies and go to: object → apply → visual transform.
Then go to: object → rigid body → remove.
Now, all the objects will stay where they are and no longer be rigid bodies.
You can now delete the funnel and mold too.
Step 3-
Delete any object that pokes out of the cube on the top side. Now, select the objects on the bottom, duplicate and rotate them so they can be used as a flat top face of the cube.
Now, move and deform objects that intersect each other so it’s not as obvious that they do.
Step 4-
Join all the objects. Make sure to set the origin to the center of the cube and to apply rotation and scale, as this will be important for the next step.
Step 5-
use a “cast” modifier on the trash cube, set it to “cuboid”. Play with the radius setting until you have something you like. This will crush the object into the shape of a cube.
We are now done! The end result is a bit on the high-poly side, so you might want to use instancing if you need multiple cubes.
You can instance by using alt+d when duplicating instead of shift+d. This will cause the duplicated objects to share the same mesh, which means that the polygons will count only once in your scene’s poly count. However, this polygon reuse effect only works if the object has no modifier, so you would apply the cast modifier first.
I’m stuck with, select all the rigid bodies and go to: object → apply → visual transform. where is object and how do i apply visual transform. also do you want me to select the box holding all the objects as well as everything?
The object menu is here:
The outer box doesn’t matter either way, visual transform will cause the rigid bodies’ current position to become their actual starting point, that way they won’t reset back to how they started when you remove the simulation.
If you hear about a tool in Blender and don’t know where it is, you can always use the search command (by default F3) and type the name of the tool.