Need assistance with geo nodes setup

Hi guy’s, it’s been awhile since i came here but i am resuming work on my game and i was catching up on all new features to help me in my current level design.

So if anyone can point me in the right direction regarding this nodes setup that is widely know, it does a pretty decent job on edge but i need to have erosion damage on faces for old temple stone ruins.

Thank for anyone that help me with this

Hmm… this is very interesting to “damage” the edges… to “damage the faces” i came up with this:

But i didn’t combine them yet… also for the faces someone might think about only using “inbound” damages… or some other kind of “cracks”…


Here is my version… Starts off with using the mesh-to-volume…

I also have this from a tutorial on YouTube on GN Add Surface Detail.
It is an ALL-over version and set up for the asset Browser…
and with a two-color shader… Just a really simple set-up!


Volumes :+1:

I started to cut “patterns” into the original object by using randomly rotated ans sizes cubes around it…

…but didn’t thought of “volumes”…


Hi Okidoki and thank for your input since this is a good starting point and the kind of damage i am looking for is something similar to this one here ;

Thank RSEhlers this give me more idea to achieve what i want, my goal is to have a quick setup to first give edge damage then adding erosion on faces to get that look on ruins that were in the desert for thousand of years like this here;

Boolean with displacement noise should give good result but need to figure up how to make a node setup with point to volume maybe.

I think the second one I showed would do well, the only problem I see is it would have to be applied to every block, guaranteed to set fire to your rig…

I think there is a WIP erosion being worked on in GN, would need to search here and find it again…

A major problem to overcome is keeping the joints in the blocks if the wall is a solid unit and not an individual…
I’m sure there will be some better ideas on their way…

Took a minute to play…
here is a start ( a bit exaggerated ). You might switch out the Musgrave with a Noise instead…

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Hi @RSEhlers, I’m curious, why did you do the conversion from mesh to volume and then back to mesh again?

Because mesh to Volume breaks it down to voxels, which react to the texture far differently than a plain mesh…to get the same result on a mesh you would have to subdivide way down till it is really hard to work with.

Then once you convert it back to mesh it ends up being only subdivided where the edges of the image texture are or where it needs to be and not where it doesn’t…

The picture describes it better than I can…

Now that I look at the rendered view it reminds me of a 3d scan.


That’s a very useful technique, thanks for sharing

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This is looking really good and my assets are composed of both single block and some bigger walls, this will become nanite mesh in UE5 so for my user case i don’t mind having huge mesh, the only drawback is handling parameters in blender with heavy mesh.

This is going to be very helpful since i suffer from RSI and i my goal was to have a 80% done proceduraly and the fine details will be done in sculpting.

I will texture these assets in 3d coat vertex paint since i can export them directly in UE5 without uv.

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Works , for a few stones - because - mesh boolean with geometrynodes is a little bit slow


Thank Benny i will try your setup later on and so far i am experimenting with all the great contributions in thread.

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Hi again guy’s, what version did you use for these nodes setup? I am using 4.0.1 and i am experiencing a lot of CTD when i change nodes parameters.

EDIT: Just did the same node setup with 3.6 and no crash so far while changing the same parameters i was changing in 4.0 so my guess is that 4.0 have a few bugs compare to 3.6.

I’d just like to say that this thread is wonderful, I learned a lot from it.

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Agree with you, geo nodes are a complex thing when our mind is gear as an artist! Still have many problems with mixing various node setup but i am experimenting by trial and error.

Was trying to use the procedural cloud from texture panel and it seem that they remove the critical node that was making this possible ‘‘Attribute sample texture’’ so is there a way to do that in 4.0 since after looking at every nodes i cannot see how. The image texture is only for external image, the reason i would like to use it is that there is much more variations possible + the cloud procedural give very good result in some situations.