Hello everyone! My name is Zephr and I’m currently working on a little idea that popped up in my head long ago. As you could tell, I’m new to this site, but I am familiar with animating. Now, I’m not the best at it though I’m still a beginner and all, but I’m coming here for some help with my project. What I want to do will be an ongoing series with animation of course, along with voice overs, sets, characters, etc. I’m looking for modelers and animators if any that would like to help me with this as I need them.
I’m going to be committing to this project 100% as I will be leading it. My main job with be the story and script writing as I do have some story line composed along with animating so I can better myself at it. I do not want to reveal much about the project just for the purpose of reliability. I would like for who is interested in helping me to stay that way so that I know I can count on them to not bail out.
Now, I’ll share a little bit of what my project is all about. It is based off of a very popular video game series: Jak and Daxter. Before you say anything, I’m in no way copying anything from the game under any circumstances. My project is a ongoing series based after Jak and Daxter’s time. In short, it is about a relative of Jak’s who has a call to adventure as well as saving his best friend.
I’m really looking for anyone who would be interested in being a part of this project. I really hope that I find some of you modelers and animators out there to help me. I’m also looking for voice actors too so that this idea can really happen and I know it will be a success.
I thank you for taking the time to read this if you have and hope to hear back from you guys!
I would be interested in animating for you if you can supply me with rigged characters a little bit down the line? Could also do some asset modelling if you require some.
I’m not particularly interested in helping with the project directly as I’m busy with my own, but thought I’d ask a few questions to lend a hand to you.
The story is based in a world created by someone else, that may contain mention or even have characters in it also developed by someone else. I understand you will have your own characters as well and it will be your own story, but it’s still borderline of copyright if it’s not in direct violation. Will the final result be freely available or are you planning on selling it?
How far along are you in developing your story? And do you have any concept art or anything else to back up your “I’m going to be committing to this project 100%” claim? Even if you just show off your skills in animation, as you claim to be an animator, that might help, or make a rough draft of your main character, even if it looks like a 3-year-old drew it. (I can’t draw very well myself, so don’t be shy :).)
A question that everyone might really want an answer to - what’s in it for those who volunteer? Name in credits? Use of assets in a portfolio? Payment for their time?
There’s probably a lot more that could be added by more senior members, but these are some of the things I see as deal breakers in most newbie posts. So I hope some of these help. Check out the sticky at the top of this forum as well to get better ideas. And one last thing to mention … if it doesn’t happen right away, take time to develop more of the story, maybe learn to model some of the characters and such, and then when you have more you can show, give it another shot. Best of luck to you, and sorry for the long post ^^