Need edgeflow and shape help

Im trying to model a blackhawk from reference.
I have already created a 3d curve outline as a 3d reference:

Now im trying to create a base model on which i can then shrinkwrap the actual hull mesh.
I already got this far:

But now i am stumped, i can’t figure out how to model the front shape and how to route the edgeloops, espeacially in the corner area.

How can i model that area and what are some general approaches to modeling something like this?

The Reference i have for the area:

Model file:
blackhawk new.obj (88.8 KB)

I would use a union boolean to add that nose piece. It’s a perfect candidate for that. First get your main mesh looking the way you want it with subdiv modifier added (but not applied), and then add the nose piece and clean up the mesh where it joins in order to preserve the curvature around the join. The important thing is to make sure you have enough edges on the main mesh to accommodate the edges on the nose piece. The nose piece doesn’t have to be the standard 32 segments. Reduce it enough to make the join without having to add a bunch more loops on the main mesh. Subdiv will still retain the roundness for you.

These videos should help you:

Thank you for your advice.
How do i line up the curves on the bottom and side? Since there is a smooth transition there this seems almost impossible.

For a visual example of what i mean:

I don’t know what I’m looking at in that image.

If you look at the wire frame from your original…at the spot where the windscreen/nose and sides join nothing is connected.

Also at each junction of your curves there isn’t a vertex… things like that will play havoc with you when trying to skin this. I don’t know if it was just the obj file export or not, but I would keep your original curves as curves to help in getting things smooth.

I basically made the curves to have a 3d reference to model by so they are not completely lined up.

Is there a way to convert multiple curves to a mesh?
And how do i join vertices of multiple curves?

Ah, yes i realise now that it may be a bad image.

The Image is looking at the bottom of the model.

The problem i have is that at the bottom of the model, there is a smooth transition from the main body part to the nose part.
If i now split the base and nose part and then boolean them together, then there is a ridge there because i cant exactly line up both parts.
This ridge then causes problems when shrinkwrapping onto the combined mesh.
Is there a way to line up both parts at that point?

That nose part looks like a separate piece that is riveted on…do you really need to connect it to the main body?? Just snap the points to the surface and save some time…just my two cents. :slight_smile:

I don’t see any smooth transition in the photo images. Quite the opposite.