Need feedback on ArchViz project

Hello everyone,
I’ve been working on my first ArchViz render for a few days now, and I feel like I could really use constructive feedbacks to improve it!
I’m aware that the grass is really bad, but for now I haven’t find a way to add some beautiful grass without having my computer crash. :sweat_smile:
Thanks a lot :grinning:

Here is the render in HD:


Edges of the building are crisp&clean. If you’d likie something more realistic, you could add small irregularities in this shapes, maybe also some dirt?
“Personalize” some balconies by adding flowers on outer parts.

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Welcome to BA.
I like it.
If I can add something to what Miss_BB has already told you it is the glass of the windows (I can’t see any reflection) and the depth. The image seems flat to me, perhaps due to the lens (but this could be intended) in addition to some texture/geometry. Just one example: the bottom part covered with bricks just looks like a flat plane without any displacement/geometry (and the texture is not aligned at the window areas).

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For an ArchiViz this may be unimpotant… or just nitpicking :wink:

The left and right person seems to be to small compared to the front woman… (with a broken shoe ??)…

Tthe kids bike in the back grounds is bigger then the left woman (or the big is too big)… the grass is okay “on the grassarea” but the border is to clean.straight and the blades of grass has al the same slanting angle… and the guy is just falling over and a bit small (feet at the same heigth than the front woman) ??

just my two cent :wink:

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Thanks a lot for your feedbacks, it helped a lot!
According to your advices, I’ve changed the reflection of the windows, made a few changes on the focal lenght and modified every character walking around. I also worked on the shadows and adjusted the colors, it’s better now!
I couldn’t change the grass but I will definitly keep your comments in mind for my next render! And let me show you the result :slight_smile: