Need gamers help

Hello Gamers in BA
I want to create a server in counter strike source and i need some help :o

need some contribute to the server to start

if you contribute you will be with server administers

so if you want Help Perlagotchi server contribute …

                                   [<i><b>contribute Website </b></i>](

Thanks to to your help :o:o

You’ve stepped up from being slightly annoying to just a spammer?

So, umm, you want people to contribute to your server so you can make money from it like your signature says?


CIVX - you must be quite rich by now with your advertising revenue and such. Well at least someone is making money from the internet. Please post a statement of your account, transparency is key for this venture and we wants in!

/vote ban civx

I may not Ban CivX, why you may ask, Cos we know that;s him and not other member Etc…

and he may go to THE Super-Duper- High- End Spam Bot. He may bypass Kbot! ( Kbot is not Spam bot of cures )
A warning may do.

BUT Dude, I am looking for words about this thread you opened (and others), Mods may close this but it do not END here, and if you got A lot of Vot-Ban,… I think you know what will happen!

And i personalty Gave up on you!


Oh, if you did get Ban, here is my Bey bey Gift!