Need help about understanding a shutter diaphragm mechanism (modeling)

Salut members of this awesome community. I’m in panic for I have encountered a very pesky issue during one of my modeling practices. The issue in question is about understanding the mechanism behind a camera’s shutter diaphragm. I’ll proceed with the details.

First the references I’m using in this study. This is a shutter diaphragm:

And this is how it opens and finally closes (view from inside the camera):

My current model needs of 8 blades as the opening it creates is an octagon instead of a perfect circle unless it is full opened. I cannot seem to grasp how to model and prepare this for animation as I don’t know how this “contraption” works from within (as for the pieces which makes the blades to close and open and overlapping. I hope someone with more knowledge onto the subject can help me here to understand the mechanism of this since I lack the resources (or a real camera per se to butcher and see how it works inside).

There is also a small issue about the blades. I’ll show the current shape of my blades in closed stance:

I know, it is not a very pretty sight. The thing is that I used a reference about the shape of the individual blades (which I don’t know if they are arbitrary or follow a certain function depending of the camera):
((looks like I cannot add the reference here due to odd issues with posting the topic but you can see a tiny review of it on the last image on the right view panel))

I used the bottom left-most one as reference, but as seen in my screenshot, it seems it is not the correct shape to fill the gap with just 8 blades. Obviously if I open the blades to display the lens behind, the blades on their current position (and without modificating their semi-circular shape) end sticking outside the rims of the model. If I modify the shape of the blades so when they close they fill all the gap, whenever I open them they’ll gonna pop out the model (at least from the point of view about how I understand the diaphragm mechanism works).

It is very possible that I’m not getting right how a real diaphragm of these opens and closes, since whenever I try to imitate that motion, the blades end sticking outside the camera itself! Obviously I have seen plenty of cameras in my life… from the outside like any other regular mortal, but I never comprehended how the blades open so flawlessly inside those tiny cylinders without sticking outside like my current blades does.

I feel silly since the method I used is a regular pivot to the base of the blade and then rotated on the X axis until closing the gap and I’m starting to believe this is not the correct nor the proper behavior for a shutter.

Any help about understanding this might even help more people than me, since modeling cameras for later animation is one of the most recurrent subjects in 3D, but I failed to find a good tutorial/reference about this topic, hence my small message in a bottle comprised in this message. Hope you understand my question and hope you can help me to identify the problem behind how to make the shutter to work like a real life camera’s.

~ Mero

What you are doing actually looks like a mechanism of a camera’s aperture, not shutter.

Thanks for the quick reply. My ignorance betrayed me (and maybe due to that I was unable to find good references about it tries to look by using “camera’s aperture” instead).

And the video you linked it is actually a good visual reference about how the blades close and opens, thanks for sharing. Though my problem is not knowing how they close from the outside but how they close from within the mechanism (as if I could cut a vertical section onto the rim to see how the base of the blades moves or are moved by this, for me, unknown device).

I looked onto several other references as for this morning since I posted this topic. I think I’m starting to get close to the truth, that in fact the blades are moved by a piece which keeps them together to some sort of inner ring but… how this makes them to move so they close and open following this circular motion? (argh massages temples it is so complicated to explain kicks language barrier).

The clue to shatter blade mechanism is in your photo. Each shatter blade pivots about the brass pin in the photo. Here is my first rough geometry of the blade fully opened about the pin:

Note center point was put right on pivot point. Also I added Empty over the pivot and it was made a parent of blade object. To animate, make an IPO curve of a blade rotation while the blade is selected. The IPO curve then will be a part of blade. Now duplicate Empty and blade over each pin. Rotate the empty to get the blade in right place. The whole thing will animate now.

it would be interesting to see how to rig this Iris
if anyone knows how
a little tut on this would be interesting!

do you mean that each blade is like this
see pic


happy 2.5

@Ridix - Aye, indeed the blades on that reference pic pivots on the brass pin. What you said about the “Empty” and the IPO made my head to spin! (in fact, it made me to remember an item from the “Bioshock” game!)
I guess I am not yet too much into Blender terminology, but I think I understood the purpose of the whole thing. Still I am a bit puzzled about how to apply this to exactly 8 blades to fill the gap on my model in question.

@RickyBlender - I think the C like blades are specially made for when you can add plenty of them around the base ring where they are attached to, like on the example of Ridix above. I think I can now attach the reference I wanted to show. It displays several different types of blades for different types of cameras and they have very different shapes (I think the shape is related to the number of blades comprising one single diaphragm).

They have very different shapes, and I’m starting to think that the shape I’m looking for is definitevely amongst them.

Also I found this other reference:
It is a section of the inside of the ring! Looks like the blades has a small bump on them (near the pivot point) which slides along a narrow gap on an overlapped ring (“blade actuating ring”). This err… BAR does a short circular motion which makes the bumps to slide with the rest of the blade, making the blade to rotate and close the aperture. Then the BAR rotates backwards and that uncoils the blades to return to the open position.

I think this reference is neat (I found it on a microbiology site :eek:). It actually shows that the diaphragm actually are 3 pieces:
-The blade
-The base ring
-The motion ring
To try to emulate this same motion sounds like a pain for a rookie like me, but now I see that the blades aren’t floating on space and set in motion by invisible force!

@Ridix - Which now makes me to study your method carefully… If I ever know what an IPO is still stuck in modeling stage

[ATTACH]131886[/ATTACH]don’t think it would be easy to reproduce the exact rotating circle

but if you make the blade rotate around a fixe axis then that might be a lot easier to do with animation and using IPO curve

here is one blade doing a rotation
just do Alt-A or change the frame number on bottom header
depens if your using 2.49 or 2.5

but then waht do you do to get the other ones?

do you need to add a constraint rotation or jsut copy empty and blade then rotate these
on the different pins?

happy 2.5

[ATTACH]131887[/ATTACH]jsut copy empty and blade to all other pins location adn then rotate
and try this one Alt-A to see it closed

but it does no fit really well
the blades don’t really close all the space

may be by changing the shape it will do that too!

happy 2.5

[ATTACH]131888[/ATTACH]i change a little the blade’s shape and seems to be working better now

happy 2.5

Is there an alternative way to repositionate the blades around the ring by using an array modifier or something like that? I’m not sure how that works and I’m asking that because I tried positioning the blades by hand but they aren’t closing right, making an odd deformed gap instead of a clean octagon shape.

I tried adding the Array Mod. by myself, but I’m not sure where to put the Empty (it is on the center where I want to rotate it but somehow they are spinning around the wrong axis and when I rotate the Empty to change the Z direction, the array goes crazy and drags all the copies of the blades with him).

PS: Ach, forgot to add the screenshot.