Hi, I need some help applying a rust texture. In the screenshot below, I want to apply that rust to the eagle’s wings. I want it to come down from the top right. I’ve tried UV mapping and making the wing a separate object and then applying it but it just doesn’t come out right. I also want to keep a slight red color to the eagle. I’ve experimented with nodes on how to get a slight redness but I can’t get it.
Overall all I want to apply the rust texture in a sideways style and have a slight redness on the eagle, I don’t want s complete rust color. How would I do this?
I don’t know of any, though I would think there would be something along those lines. Perhaps my tut is not up to date though. I will check to see that everything translates across versions.
here’s a blend with the rust material. I am using procedurals here though, but I think the node setup for UV input is the same as in the tutorial. I will double check though… RustySteelNodes2a.blend (646 KB)
I wish I could tell you, but I assume it is some difference with Cycles, and I am clueless with Cycles. I would think the node setup would be the same, but I guess not. Of course, the base materials in the blend I provided are not Cycles materials, so maybe that is the problem. Maybe try making two simple materials in cycles to stand in for the rust and metal textures to test it.
Here’s your file with the rust texture seen below, which I just bodged together with my limited knowledge. Maybe this can be a starting point for your own experiments. The rust turned out a bit too dark, but of course you can change that to your heart’s content.
Thanks for the link!
In this case coolfield7’s question posed a very special nut to crack: He wanted to have the rust on the intensive red color of his object. Following Andrew Price’s technique (as I understand it) would have required to find various images of rust on a very similar red color - difficult! So I tried to find a procedural solution, which imho is especially hard for node noobs…
Hi Coolfield, I have a few bits of advice and hopefully help for you.
The first one is that your description is not informative enough for me to visualize what you are trying to achieve!
Your file is missing all its textures - you did not pack them. Even harder to see what you wanted to achieve. For example that big spotlight in the back is that important to the effect?? I the eagle red to simulate the rust color or do you want the rust on top of the red color, i.e. do you want a bare metal object that has rusted or a red painted metal object that has rusted? The background was originally an image texture is it supposed to be the same as the eagle?
The geometry of the eagle - is it supposed to be one piece? Right now it is all islands floating in space so there are no crevices although I don’t think that was in your original idea anyway. And why is the head a separate element - does this NOT get the rust texture?
Your UVs are unwrapped very nicely but because of the geometry mapping an image to this will result in chaos. I recommend a serious reworking of the unwrap, probably using the project from view method.
The main point I wanted to make when I first started writing this was, “Do you have an image reference, a picture of a rusted object that is the idea you are trying to reproduce here?” This really is crucial to get this right in one pop without a lot of back and forth!
This is not really a nodes and cycles v. Internal problem but a geometry and UV mapping problem, because you want to use an image. IMO. If you want to use a procedural rust things might b quite different, so if you just want to use that texture as a reference a procedural would be easier.
Whoah! The dropbox thing has some voodoo magic on it or something, it’s just displaying weird text: BLENDERv269RENDH���é"������������RSVVßRSVßRSVßRSVßRSVßRSVßRSVßRSVßRSVßRSVßRSV
I want the eagle to be that red color with that rust texture on top of it. The look I want to give is a red rusted away eagle with some color. Like in Modron’s first post on this thread, the sphere with the rust is what I want to get.
Use a stencil in black and white and paint in where you want the rust to show and that way you have control over it being revealed where you want, and then you can also use the stencil to affect bump.
That can happen sometimes. Just right-click on the link and select Save as…
Oh, I forgot to mention something: I made some changes to your eagle to make the texture work better… I applied the mirror modifiers, combined the meshes into one and did a new UV unwrap. So the easiest thing to do may be as follows:
Open your version of the scene file.
Delete your eagle meshes.
Hit Shift-F1 (to append things from another blend file).
Browse to where you saved my version of the file and click it.
Select folder Object.
Select eagle head.
That should bring the modified version of the eagle into your scene with all textures, materials, UV etc.
So here’s something that is a little off the cuff since I don’t really have a reference image to go from. In commissioned work that’s a recipe for disaster. Or at least endless redoes.
One of the problems is that you want dark colored object to have rust on it, but this would be mostly invisible. So the rust color has to be shifted. Another problem is that you don’t have an alpha channel in your texture - that would have made it much easier to use. Of course I could have edited it in GIMP to have one, but a decent one would take more time than I thought worthwhile but you should certainly do it. I used some node-y workaround that was quicker.
Your eagle doesn’t need that huge amount of geometry on the back. Unwrapping and rendering will be much easier without it. If you are interested I can post the blendfile but here’s a render from it. Probably not what you wanted…