Need help deforming my Torus Mouth

Hi Everyone,

I’m afraid I have another question I’d like to ask this loving community as a beginner.
I’m trying to model a Gingerbread man as my 3rd model haha. Now I’m having some issues shaping the mouth. I tried move/scale with proportional editing but it’s not quiet getting me there. Would someone perhaps be kind enough to send me off in the right direction ? :slightly_smiling_face:
Below I have a screenshot of the Torus with the Reference shape in the background.

I’d appreciate it alot everyone,
Thank you in advance.

With kind regards,

Brian de Groot

This might be (will be) easier with a curve object instead. You can create that shape as a Bézier curve easily, and then just add thickness to the curve with the geometry settings


Oooh that’s smart! Is that for example the “circle” you could add ?

Yeah you could do it with a circle curve :slight_smile:

But how in turn would I create the hole in the middle ? :sweat_smile: if I may ask

There’s a checkbox for fill somewhere in the curve properties, turn that off

This’ll require some practice I think :sweat_smile:

And again, beginner mistake I think haha. I wasn’t working with a Circle Curve but with an actual Circle Mesh :sweat_smile: My bad, Thanks alot for the quick replies @joseph!

Very much appreciated!

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You have too much control points in your curve.
This is how you can do it quicker. Create Bezier Curve:

Enter edit mode, extrude the curve and make your shape:

As @joseph mentioned add Geometry to it: