need help editing normal

hi there i am making a modular scenary for video games, low poly asset with some faces smooth and some flat, when i meet two pieces of the modular dungeon,normals work well like in screenshoot 2, i tried make a copy join then and remove doubles and then copy that vertex normal with blend4web in the original model, and then i have worst result (scrennshot 3)
i tried copy with data transfer with no good results. please help me.


in wireframe, use Face Select, and select the face in between the models and delete them.

faces are already deleted but thanks for answering

then try selecting everything and remove doubles by pressing W+R.

u may also try pressing the Smooth Button again.
Also CTRL+N to recalc normals aswell might help.

if non of those solved the issue, submit the blend file.

Also you can adjust the merge distance of the remove doubles command in the tool shelf, or by pressing F6 immediately after executing the command. Or you can use the merge command ‘Alt-M’ and use one of the options there.

Another option would be to see if there is somehow overlapping edges by loop selecting one set and dissolving them. You could also include a blend file for others to help. :wink:

faces are deleted, i cant remove doubles because this is a model to export to a game engine, so ineed fix the problem in one piece then duplicate the piece in the game engine, i post a image an i upload the blend file, thanks

Attachments (173 KB)

Go to Vertex Groups, scroll down to Geometry Data, and click “Clear Costum Split Normals Data”.

i dont quite know what it is, but whatever, solved.

also, heads up, u did not remove doubles :wink:

thanks for answer maybe i dont explain myself well, sorry for my poor english, i cant remove doubles, because i one maintain only one of the archs,then copy then and paste toguether in unity. so i need vertes normal of the corner to be edited in some way like this

another explain

i need just what it does in 2.00 minute

There may be better ways to do this (probably), but for such a simple object, I would simply go into python console and change the normals of those vertices by hand. It’s not fancy but it does the trick.


Each vertex has as many loops as the faces it belongs to, so you can set different normals to the same vertex.

sorry it was not due to your explanation, i didnt read what you said as i thought i understood your problem by the image.

i dont know if you can modify the normals like that, but one strategy that works is to offset the objects like this:

thanks very much, both of you,i tried for now the simplest way, join two pieces by the other side, how its posible i dont figure that. oh my god…:eek:

Since the two pieces aren’t continuous with one another, the smoothing algorithm terminates at these midpoints along the arcs. This is an openGL/smoothing artifact.

great addon.

but i cant fix the problem, i dont know if i make something wrong, or its imposible to do, but when i tried to edit the normal of the problematic vertex, all smoothing shadows go wrong in entery model

Data transfer should work just fine

arcs_ja12.blend (90.8 KB)

i tried data transfer too, with no results, i make a video showing


Didn’t see you clear the previous custom normals data before applying the modifier.

still working for me

how can i do that?

ok i found, but still same problem