Need Help Fast

I’ve been trying to deal with a cursor problem. My cursor won’t go into any of the fields so I can do things like name my objects or even my files. I can’t even pick a color for base materials using the color window when it pops up.
I’ve tried uninstalling and reinstalling blender. I searched most of the help forum for people with my problem, found none, I can’t spend a couple hours searching. I’m way behind on my homework for class and with this problem I can’t do any of it.


use your mouse to bring down the user preference window at the top
see pic

and show pic of what you hve there
may be one of the mouse setting is not proper fopr your computer

what type of mouse are you using 2 or 3 bouttons with scroll


Sounds like a graphics card problem.

What kind of graphics card do you have? Try updating your driver to see if that fixes it.

Or buy a graphics card (you may just have a built-in Intel crap), a very basic one costs like $15, that works with Blender.

My mouse settings are fine in blender, they look like the picture previosly posted.
I have no Idea what kind of graphic card i have, it probably is intel, but I don’t have even the 15 to spend on it right now.
I’ll just have to find ways around my handycap until I can buy a new card or find time to use the computers at school.

Thank you for your help, and getting back to me so FAST!!!