Can anyone in here help me fix this issue I have with my commander’s 3d head mesh texture? (the head texture that needs to be redone is found at the very top left) i need to get that head texture coming out looking like the realistic head photo shots shown on the top right. Its got to be life like.
I know that the 3 head photos have to be all blended in together in a special cloning program to create the 3d head texture. If anyone can step forward to help me to fix up this head texture issue so I can get a realistic looking head mesh texture for the commander then please message me to let me know.
I do believe that the 3d head texture will either make or break the model and since this is the lead guy
in my game, i need to get his head texture all fixed.
Now I’m not volunteering for anything. Just trying to point you in the right direction.
If you’re being specific about the images, then projection painting is what you’re after. Unless you can find someone to do a high detail sculpt and baking session.
The model itself doesn’t look like it was based on that person. If the proportions aren’t right, projection painting won’t really make up for it. Besides that, the lighting and perspective in the images could be off-putting. You need at least 2 decent images with as little perspective as possible. 3 if it can be managed. A more neutral or top-down lighting would also need less clean-up.
I think whoever worked on what you’ve shown, did the best they could with what they had. Assuming those were the actual resources.
Something like the references( from now closed site Got3d) in the image below, are what you ideally want.
That low poly head model was created with those two images. Although it doesn’t conform precisely to the silhouette, it does maintain the proportions. So the images are a better fit once painted on.
As it stands, with those sources, it might be a little too much work for a volunteer to get it to where you want it.
Projection painting will generate a composite of the input images as a single texture, based on the uv co-ordinates of the target mesh.
I’ve not heard of this concept of projection painting before. But I have a Front On Pic of the Person as well as a Side on pic. These are the resource pics that I have got. I knew trying to get this guy done right wasn’t going to so easy because of the limitations I had on the resources…
If you’d like to pm me the images (1920x1280) and mesh, I’ll see what I can do. But I need some boundaries. The images would obviously need some editing. Can the mesh be altered? And what is the target resolution for the texture?
Already sent pm with links to the pics. The model I’m trying to do is part of a sci-fi rpg, the commander of the ship, hes the main lead guy in the game. That’s why I been trying to get him modeled to look life-like.