Need help for getting UPBGE eevee in blender 2.79

to compile upbge - clone the git repo then do

make update
make full


git checkout 0.2.5b

to get at blender 2.79.6+ upbge enhancments
then tetgen needs added as a dependency - (its already a dependency in the soft body gsoc)

after that you need a way to invoke tetgen as a modifier

you make a volume that is the players walkable area - use tetgen on it - place a probe at the corner of each tet and bake the probes to disk and then post proccess them to make PBR probes

then we need a new mode for the environement map texture - world
that uses the the tetrhedron + probes, it will have a dropdown to select a light volume object - you select the object that has the tet modifier

Bro i understood your light probe explanation, but I was not able to understand your UPBGE eevee 2.79 compiling steps, can you please slowly elablorate it to me?

you can’t run eevee in any meaningful way on your current GPU

the newer builds have a compute shader and it bumps the GL requirments just a little,

in download section of is old eevee builds - you can try your luck with those.

Bro, I want to tell you a fun fact, and that fact is…
My pc can run blender 2.8, because when it was released, I downloaded it and opened it and got no opengl error😁

So can you now please tell me clearly the compiling steps for building UPBGE eevee 2.79?

All those old builds are in / downloads

To build an older build can be tricky because you have to rewind SVN too

What is a SVN?

It’s like git but for compiled libs

You can rewind SVN so the dependancies are all correct to build from that time

Bro I did not understood anything​:sob::sob:

If you can, please do it for me, because I am a total noob in that stuff, please bro, can you do it for me???:pray::pray::pray::bowing_man::bowing_man::bowing_man::bowing_man::bowing_man:

Hello, this is the very late reply… but after too many searches i found a working build of bge with EEVEE render, here is the link to the post with this build: BGMC27 | The Dot - #3 by Thatimster

I think you meant this link:

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