I’ve re-built a material from a borrowed file and assigned the same material to all 4 meshes in my model. Most are transparent and I don’t know why. I can’t find what’s causing it.
Material contains an alpha input but I think it uses a diffuse texture for that.
In solid display mode, one mesh is black or really dark.
Would like to remove the transparency and get the mesh colors all the same (white).
But I have 4 meshes that use the same material. Why would 1 be opaque? And in solid mode, why is one mesh black when it’s the same material as the others?
The file has been deleted and cannot be verified.
I think the problem will be with the material setting.
They say they all use the same material, but it’s meaningless if they’re not all the same settings.
Material settings can also apply multiple materials to one object.
If you use UV, you may not have the same UV.