Here’s a tutorial on how to use it:
I haven’t tested it myself, but I can see from the comments that it doesn’t necessarily work with recent versions of Blender.
Well, I don’t know. How does this help you? You have enough knowledge about Blender’s functionality to add a plane and insert loop cuts and move vertices around, right? Because that’s about it. The rest is observation.
Observation is the hardest thing here. You can also “cheat”. Like are those flowers expensive? Can you buy one?.. Can you get one some other way? Can you find photos of the petals alone?
It’s not hard to model.
I use insert loop cut( Ctrl + R ) , Subdivision modifier, move( G ) and rotate( R ) and merge vertices( M ). But my petal doesn’t look right. So I should observe more closely. It also seems like they are all different. Maybe I would want to have a few variations…
Hi, I am very poor at this level of modelling. I tried the flower video above and added a Repeat Zone with above petal, the OS crashed. I gave up for now and using image texture.
You might consider practicing modelling skills on something less complex or something that you can see better. It’s difficult to achieve the results without first getting the skills needed.
But you could as well just put more effort into it and consider smaller detail. Your model seems to be quite dense in geometry. Try to repeat some characteristics of the shapes and forms. For example if we look at your petal photos they are sort of triangular, but the edges are irregular. The surface is wavy and the waviness increases in intensity but also size towards the front. The peaks of the waves in the front also seem to stick out. The waves are not uniform in size…
(this is by the way just a very rough example as well. If I needed to model that flower, I would spend way more time and put more effort, AFTER getting the correct reference)
This is probably too high poly for this, but once you have the shapes, you can start simplifying them more. Also modelling like 10-15 of these would let you understand what features repeat in them. By the way you can crash any machine with repeat zone even with geometry not that complex if you are not careful.
The only problem is that those petals are probably from a different sub-species of the plant you have in the earlier images so they differ, they are smaller and less curved. So it’s hard to know what you are supposed to be modelling. That’s why I recommend getting better reference.
The distribution of petals obeys the law of phyllotaxis. Each petal is rotated by 137.5 degrees (golden angle) from the previous petal and offset from the center slightly more. You can build this yourself by instancing petals, then rotating them around the central axis using their index multiplied by the golden angle. For the general spheroid shape of the flower, it’s a matter of tinkering with other rotation axes, and perhaps some vertical offset.