Need help to add fingers to an already rigged character?

So modelled this tiny frog about two years ago and gave him a rig (can’t remember what and how, because even though my 20 years of 3D experience I still hate rigging :slight_smile: ), but then I noticed that Blender don’t smooth the UVs when baking displacement and when the Blender devs ignoring my bug report I just got annoyed by him and started doing other stuff instead and forgot about him.
Anyways, picked it up again today because I want him in a scene I’m working on, but I first need to add fingers to the rig. So I added the bones and parented the fingers to the hand joint, but when I move the hand the fingers won’t follow. How do I fix this? :slight_smile:


It’s hard to tell, but it looks like fingers are parented to those green bones. Forward Kinematic if I had to guess? The whole chain stays in place it would seem.

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Yeah the fingers do move when I move the green stuff, but I’ve parented them to the hand bone which is that big selected white almost square thing in pose mode. As I said I’m not a rigger at all, so I have no idea what and why :\

I’m no rigger either, so my advice may not be very good.

You (probably) need to find the Deformation bone that actually moves the hand and parent new bones to it.
If you’re using Rigify rig, there will be a few hidden layers - DEF bones seem to be on this one:


Aah yes I found it, I had it connected to the hand FK-bone, while the IK one where hidden underneath it. Sneaky bastard! As always the solution is easier than one always thinks. You didn’t directly help me, but still kinda pointed me in the right direction, so thanks :slight_smile:

Might still have other issues with this tho, so I’ll ask more stuff here later on. Got weight paint to to, and also a pair of feets to do some kind of floppy rig with :o

I don’t have anything to add in terms of the rigging issue, but wanted to say that your render looks really nice and I hope you continue making art!