Need help w/Tree texture

I’m trying to map a material with a texture using a tif image of a tree. The tif has an alpha channel and I’m turning on “use alpha” button in the texture settings. Looks right in the texture preview. However I can’t get it to render with a transparent background. What am I doing wrong?


Materials panel -> ‘Links and Pipeline’ tab, active the ‘ZTransp’ button and see if that works for you.

Nope…that didnt do it. Here’s a screenshot of my materials settings.


Not sure this will work in your case, but you could try to set alpha to zero.

When I have used an alpha map, I had to set the alpha to zero so blender would use the alpha map for the alpha values, otherwise having alpha to 1 would overide the alpha map.

I think setting the Dvar value in the texture Map To settings to 0 is equivelant to setting alpha to zero, I would have to look it up, can’t remember where I read that.

If that doesn’t work can you supply a blend file(packed)?

I set alpha to zero in the materials settings. That makes it disappear altogether in the rendering. I can definitely supply the blenderfile. However, the tif may not upload on this website. (it says different forms of jpg only…no tifs I guess) I can email it to you if you give me an email address.

Wait, try one more thing, use the texture in BOTH the color AND alpha channels in the Map To panel, with Alpha set to zero in the Material panel, and render, it worked for me using a .tif with alpha channel

ok hang on…setting the dvar to zero in the map-to tab worked for me. I just didnt follow what you were saying at first. Hey thanks man! You’re a genius! Maybe I’ll begin to understand how this program works after awhile. This forum is pretty good for getting answers to questions. Better than the user guide for sure.

Thanks again!

You’re welcome. This is a great community here and generally no shortage of people who love to help with the ‘not-so-obvious’ problems like yours.