The legs/neck/head are twisting the wrong way, and the shoulder blades are pushed in for some reason. I tried to recalculate the bone twists, but I’m not really too sure on which Recalculate to use.
Can I get some help pls?
Check that the x & z axis of the bones in the model’s armature matches those of the bvh armature. If they don’t match, then you’ll need to put both armatures into their rest pose and then use the recalc bone roll to fix. Which option you use for the recalc bone roll depends on what is needed. For example, if the bvh armature’s shoulder bones have their z-axis pointing up, then use the z-axis up option on your rig. If you can’t figure out which option you need, or this just doesn’t get it quite right, you can manually adjust a bone’s roll angle, bone by bone. With an armature in edit mode and a bone selected, the roll angle appears in the transforms panel.
I’m pretty sure this is the problem, if it’s not the problem, you’ll have to post the file.