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RFXS Admin

Global Undo

This is a new hotkey function that will undo what ever has just been done! This has to be the best feature with the worst hotkey ever! they took the Cntrl+Z hotkey formally used for entering shaded view mode and used it…now shaded view mode (which in the menu says to use cntrl+Z) now has no hotkey and out of habit i undo half my scene before realizing i just did so! Good feature though…

Not to be a PITA but to toggle between shaded and wire I always just used plane old Z. Not sure why you would use ctrl. Ctrl Z is a fairly standard undo hotkey in many apps. It’s nice to see it in blender (could really care less what the key is really). Just a little confused as to why you say there is no hotkey for toggling between shaded and wire. Z still works here as it always has. Ctrl was never required AFAIK :-?

in fact, isn’t control-z undo now!

i’ll put it off on me as misquoting myself…

cntrl+Z used to be Shaded mode

zkey was and still is toggle between solid and wire

now Cntrl+Z is undo!

Let me explain -

There are five modes (bound,wire,solid,shaded,textured). Cntrl+Z use to be the hotkey for Shaded mode now it is the hotkey for Global Undo. The menu still says Cntrl+Z is for Shaded mode but it isn’t! - it is for Global Undo! now do you understand?

This causes others i know to delete half of there scene before realizing that they did so…they thought the button just didn’t switch to Shaded mode!


RFXS Admin

Ok, my mistake. I read shaded and thought solid. I 've never used hotkeys to switch into shaded or textured mode, only solid and wire. I just used the menu for the others so I would never have run across this if it hadn’t been pointed out. I just checked and your right, it shows up in the tooltip for the mode menu as ctrl Z as well. This should be pointed out to someone probably (file a bug report?). My appologies for the confusion. :expressionless:

Solid/Wire toggle is ZKEY, Shaded/Wire is SHIFT+ZKEY, Textured/Solid is ALT+ZKEY.

Solid/Wire toggle is ZKEY, Shaded/Wire is SHIFT+ZKEY, Textured/Solid is ALT+ZKEY.

I guess the menu and tooltips need updating then to reflect this change!

erm, don’t you mean

solid/wire toggle is z key
shaded/wire toggle is shift+z key
solid/textured toggle is alt+z key

control+z was shaded/solid toggle

the different modes are:
wire: [I think you already know this one well enough]
solid: lighting relative to viewport, color is material color
shaded: lighting and materials and textures effect vertex colors
textured: if mesh has gone into face select mode [such as to uvmap], shows vertex colors and [optionally assigned] texture. otherwise shows same as shaded mode.

looks like I have to get used to a new shortcut

erm, don’t you mean

solid/wire toggle is z key
shaded/wire toggle is shift+z key
solid/textured toggle is alt+z key

control+z was shaded/solid toggle

Ummm…I don’t see the difference between what you posted and what I posted, except that I said Textured/Solid instead of Solid/Textured and I left out the word “toggle” on the last two key combinations, since I thought that was obvious.