Need help with fbx export and object position

I have some big scene with many objects, and Unity project. For example, I have “car”, it has 5-6 geometry parts. That parts is located in collection with many other objects (not from tha catr), without parents etc.
Objects are located on Blender scene in right places (not in zero). So, it is completely prepared composition.

So, I need to export some of objects separately (f.ex. I need single object “car”, which will contain all parts of that car) - for different interactions, animations etc.

So problem is: parent object located in zero coords.

What I tried:

  • select only parts of car, then export selected. What I got: parent object in zero coords.
  • ok, I created empty object (Plain Axes), locate this object near the car (not zero pos in blender). Move all car parts in this object. What I got: parent in zero position in unity!
  • I tried something else: located parts of car in other part of car (with geometry). What I got: parent object saves position and set on Unity scene in right place.

I don’t understand. I cant locate geometry in geometry; f.ex. car have case, wheels, I cant put case in wheels (ccase dont need to rotate), and vise versa (case can jump while move, but wheels will remain in earth; this is styllized car, not real, I need effects like in cartoons).
But I need to group parts to one object. And I dont want to manually locate objects again in Unity: I see that position of object CAN be exported. But it is not export for my empty object. But I cant create useless geometry object just for parenting.
I dont know Blender, I’m not modeller/artist. Scene is prepared by real artist, may be he did something wrong (f.ex. bad hierarchy). I technical artist (so called), I work in Unity, it is my first times of work with Blender. I know how to export, and models in unity looks good and right. At now I only has problem with parent object’s positioning. So I may be don’t know something very simple and basic :smiling_face_with_tear:

I tried check “apply transform” in export settings, it does not make difference.

So, I found the problem. As I expected, it because I don’t know some basics.

When I exporteed objects, I select only “meshes” and “armature”. That’s why my empty object doesn’t export, and it was some automatically created parent object without info about location.