Need help with fire light emission.

I’m wondering if anyone could give me any tips on strengthening the light emitted from my fire in this scene. As you can see from the screenshot the fire is many times brighter than it’s close surroundings which I feel should be receiving light almost as bright as the fire. At least the rock most close to the flame circled below. I’ll post the materials node as well. Raising the brightness and contrast of the Emission Strength of the flame really only brightens the flame material itself and not so much the light given off. Any feedback would be much appreciated.

Actually maybe not close to equal as that flame is searing hot emitting a ton of energy, which the surroundings are not. But they should still be a lot brighter anyway.

try using a multiply math node after a color ramp instead of that bright/contrast node. use the color ramp to tweak the way it looks, and crank up the multiply for all the light.

or you could just turn up the strength with nothing plugged into it at all.

Thanks, I’ll play around with it tonight and see how it goes.