Need help with glow/specular

I am making a game character but have came across a little problem.

Here is the character. The problem is that I have UV texture and want to get rid of the shiny on the skin and hair of her. How do I do it? :stuck_out_tongue:

You need to make and apply a specular map.

Otherwise, just turn down the specular intensity slider in the materials tab.

I dont have a material and if i add one the texture dissapears :confused:

How do you go about getting your texture to appear without a material? Does your graphics card support GLSL?

@redteam - You apply a texture via the UV window. In MultiTexture or SingleTexture mode, the texture appears. You have to have a material and texture installed to texture objects in GLSL mode.

@farox - You have to use a material with a texture set on the Texture panel for it to show up (so that you can control lighting). Just go to the texture panel and load up the texture.

But I have 2 textures on one of the meshes which makes a problem…