Need help with making worms simulation from reference

Hello everyone! I need big help with making some worms simulation from reference:

I see that it was made via some another program, but i am trying recreating it in Blender for my project. I came up with making RgidBody cylinders and connecting them in chain. It works fine, but I dont know if there is any chance to make worm mesh which will deform above this RgidBody chain.

And I tried to make armature which would follow this RgidBody chain, to parent it to worm mesh then, but I dont think it is real in Blender, because I simply dont know how to make this armature bones follow different objects from RgidBody chain.

At this image we can see, that it is similar to what i am talking about (RgidBody Chain)

And here theese chains are already covered with mesh. This is the main question.

I also tried making it with cloth sim and softbody, but it is very overhelming for real-time animation (I need to import it into UE5 after all)

Maybe you also know solution with implementing of hair systems, but I didnt come up with anything.

And so I need big help from greatest minds of Bledner community!


Hi guys! I guess i found a very interesting solution for this with help of very underrated thing in blender. This is metaball. I have paranted metaballs to RgidBody chain and this now looks like this

But still if you know any better solutions I will be happy to hear them! :grinning:

Skin modifiers are also available.
In this case, simulation is also possible.

saa.blend (1.1 MB)

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Is it for manual key-frame simulation? Because I was seraching for method of simulation. But anyway thanks!

UPD: I also tried exporting metaballs in Alembic and it works perfectly. If anyone need guide on this “worms” workflow then let me know.