Need help with modelling this

hello enybuddy got eny tips on to model this things i marked and also insted of making one at a time is there a way to do one and mirror em all the way around i would like if you got a youtube video i can watch insted as i understand it better im using an older version of blender hope you can help

There are radial arrays:

You probably need to turn on “merge” to fuse the meshes together.

As for modelling the detail:

I’d start with the basic shape, add some support loops, and apply 1 level of subdivision modifer:

Then I’d model the detail, maybe starting with a topology like this (there is room for improvement, though)

With another 3 levels of subdivision this is the outcome:

(I am using Blender 2.93 though)

thank you :slight_smile:

budt also they go in a circle so im kinda lost

two things come to mind:

  1. cut out the detail and use a radial array

2)cut out the detail, and, in edit mode, put the cursor in the center of the object, set the pivot point to cursor, duplicate, rotate by the correct angle, repeat until you fill the circle, select all, delete vertices by distance