Your camera is at 1447.448m from the world origin ( 1447 KM! )
I would move it a little closer!
oohh, now i know that the tiny tiny little square in the camera view actually was something Thank you!
oh wow, thanks a lot! I tried changing those values but i just did it wrong Thanks for your support!
You can increase the clipping range but I still think that you should put your camera inside the earth’s atmosphere (12KM)
haha, yeah i deleted it and put a new one in… i guess i messed that up when i was figuring out how to zoom …well thats how you learn, i’m just starting out here…
Just a little following up question, now that i’m renderig…
I use the cycle engine and GPU compute - > is that the correct setting for using my GPU?
Because the Task-Manager shows me, that mainly CPU is used and barely GPU…
Yes, you should always use your GPU for rendering. Also you should decrease the number of samples from the default value 4096 to 128 or 256 depending on how much quality you need. You can also use 512 samples of course or a higher sample amount but it will take longer to render You can try both settings and see which one is better. 4096 is too many samples for rendering.
Alright, thanks for the info… Just good to know i didnt bought that GPU for nothing yeah 4096 seems a lot, well it actually was like 100x faster with GPU than CPU, so I guess i need to figure out how much samples i need for my kind uf usage…
Also make sure that if you have a rtx card to go into edit > preferences > System > Optix . That’s going to utilize the rt cores in your GPU and render even faster.
Ok, I have a Quadro card so I choosed the CUDA option? → Is that the preferred one?
Which Quadro are you using?
A - max Q 5000
That should have rt cores. Do you have a OptiX option? If you want the best and fastest rendering performance you need to select OptiX.
Alright, yes, i have that option too.