I’m trying to do a radial symmetry on a cylinder, but the piece I have selected goes strange when I try to apply it. I also tried applying the lattice and then duplicating manually but the lattice doesn’t want to apply? any help? images are before and after applying the lattice modifier
can you attach .blend file?
i just tried it out, applying the modifiers works.
You just have to do it right: always apply from top to bottom. So always apply only the top most modifier. Or use object → convert to mesh
Thank you thank you. That sorts that issue
Were you able to get some kind of radial symmetry working on the boolean piece in front of the cylinder? every time I try to it just ends up duplicating off axis and each instance getting larger.
i have no idea which object you mean, so either please copy a screenshot with an arrow to the object or tell me the name of the object you mean. And i hope the object has still the boolean operator…
Sorry I’m pretty new to blender, trying to make the switch from Maya so some of my terminology may be wrong
can u pls show me the array modifier which you have used? because there is no array modifier on that object. But i assume that you have used object offset? Then Blender takes rotation + scale into account and uses them for the array making too. So if you don’t want the object to be scaled, just apply scale for your object with ctrl-A → scale.
I’ve been using MaxivZ interactive tool. I managed to get it working when I did the cutout of the 6 bullet chambers on the cylinder. Theres a button on that plugin for radial symmetry. I can’t replicate that though with the boolean piece I have shown you in the picture though. Just want to rotate that 6 times around the cylinder.
Here’s a simpler example of what I’m trying to achieve, I fixed the issue of scale and rotation doing what you said so thanks for that. But when I do the radial symmetry the origin point shifts elsewhere and I can’t work out why. Thats causing the location of the symmetry to be off,
i don’t know MaxivZ. But a radial array you can do with Blender by adding an empty and using object offset like this: