Need help with rendering of youtube banners

I have tried multiple times to get this right, and it just doesn’t seem to work.

So basically, youtube recommends that the banner should be a 2560 X 1440 px image, and the “text and logo safe area” should be 1546 X 423 px.

The page on youtube with the banner sizes:

So, I made a banner and set the resolution in the rendering tab to 1546x423, and made sure that everything fits in the view of the camera in that resolution. After I do that, then as a final step, I change the resolution to the recommended 2560x1440. But when I do that, and upload it, this is the result I get:

Youtube says that if I upload that picture, the text above my character will be cut off. I followed what it said to do, but it’s not coming out right. I know that the problem is that the character and text are too big, but why is that? I did the 1546x423 test, and the things were fitting in there fine.

Here is the test pic:

And here is the final pic:

Can someone please explain what i’m doing wrong, and perhaps a solution to the problem?

That’s basically showing what the original, and official link says :L My problem is that the dimensions that I put that should work with the layout, do not work. I think it is because I do not properly understand the resolution stuff in the render panel for blender. But idk, that is what i’m trying to ask for: what exactly am I doing wrong.

As you can see, your first image fits in the minimum size for the banner perfectly in the template.
The second image, the image is larger than the template.

The actual image should fit in the smaller section where your first image resides.

Hmm, so the problem is that when I raise the dimensions, it’s not the camera’s view that is getting bigger, it is scaling everything up? What? Why is that happening haha. Thanks for at least getting me to here. Now I just need to find a solution for this.

Yes, and if you change the picture quality on a digital camera, you get the same result (more pixels in the same field of view). If you want to change the field of view, adjust the focal length, sensor size, or just move the camera

So is there no way of doing something like telling blender to keep a certain part of the scene this pixel, and then just make itself around the stuff bigger? I am really not sure how to put this haha. Basically I don’t want to mess around with settings, because then, whatever I tested with the smaller dimensions isn’t properly adjusted with the newer settings that I change.

Just render the objects to the proper size (like your first image) the put that into photoshop and do the background there.
You also have the option to make a mask in the full resolution (black or gray with the center logo area white) and use that as a background image only viewable in camera view. Then position the camera so that all objects are in the white part of the camera view.

So there is no way to do this inside of blender then without changing the camera settings? I guess I can just stick to that. I mean, the banner came out nicely. I put the camera’s Sensor Size at 55, with the camera being -15y, and resolusion of 2560x1440.

I guess that works. That’s kind of what I was really looking for anyways.

So yeah, thanks guys. I’ll stick to those settings I just mentioned. (in case you wanted to see the final pic that actually somewhat decently fits on the banner space)