Need help with rigging this model

So I’ve been working this model for a few weeks for this uni project, I’m currently using Blender 4.0, rokoko addon and Rigify feature to speed up the production of this short film im making.

I’ve been testing out this retargeting thing for a while and placing the bones in the right order (I think) and each time I enable the targeting thing

I get this result :

does anyone know what I’m doing wrong or how I can stop my model deforming this badly ?

Hello and welcome to the forum!

Since you are new here, lemme explain a couple of things… First, the best way to get help around here is to post up the .blend file. Also, since you are new, you probably can’t attach a file to your post - anti-spam/virus thing. Besides, max file size is like 10mb… So use a file hosting site and post the link here.

So your problem here, what’s going on? Your mesh is fine until you re-target it? By that I mean can you animate it manually by rotating the bones around and everything is fine? It’s really hard to tell anything from your screenshot, but I’m thinking it’s an issue with your setup, and you’re only noticing it when it’s re-targeted and animated that way.

Check that the rigify armature object and the mesh object have the same point of origin. Also check that in the transforms panel (n-key, 3d view) that the armature object and the mesh object have matching loc, rot, scale values.

So check those things out, try posing in extreme poses and if all is fine, then maybe a rokoko problem, but I really think it’s a problem before the rokoko stuff…


Ok thx I’ll try if it help I could send you the file through email if that helps, but basically I’m trying to retarget the bones of the rokoko recording onto the rig of the character object without the character’s mesh deforming like crazy

I’ve placed the mo-cap recording to the left show what I mean, from what figured out so far from trying to fix this is that by minimizing the tweaks and details of he character’s rig and only use the IK’s the body doesn’t deform like the post before but the head does. I don’t know what else to do from here and I have tried scaling both rigs to their default size, if you could send me ur email I can transfer you the file and see if you can figure something out that I might have missed.


Ok, sent you my e-mail address via a PM

Please send the file before rokoko and one after rokoko


Thanks man, just recently sent you the file it’ll contain both rigs before they’re retargeted, hopefully you could find answers which couldn’t

In the meantime ill continue to try and see what i can do with it

Took a look at the file and I see nothing wrong with it. Can you send me a file after you use rokoko on the character?

I don’t have the rokoko add on, I looked at it once and saw it wasn’t any help to me, so I never installed it.
