Need Help With Texture paint

Hi, so im working on this character i did a procedural skin shader but now i want to add a texture to it…so i can paint the lips and other parts.

i really dont know how to…

First, you need a UV map, then an image texture associated with that.
Once you’ve created these things, your node setup should look something like the bottom left corner of this:

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Oh ok
Did you choose black as the UV texture color?

The Black is the default color of an image file when created if I remember right…

You hit the Plus sign and add whatever type of image you are creating… make sure to select that image name in the UV panel…
ALSO>> See the IMAGE tab above the UV space above the Blue color? The Asterix means the image is not saved…SAVE the image or else after you are done, the image you paint will be flushed out of the Blend File and you will lose it!!

