Hi guys, I was wondering if someone had a little bit of time to help me. My son is a big LOTR/Hobbit fan and for the upcoming San Diego Comic Con, I decided to build him a costume from the movie. Everything is going fine except for the breastplate. I tried unsuccessfully to make a template with construction paper and tried my hands at 3D modeling but I can’t understand a thing.
What I would need is a rough model of the breastplate without all the details and if possible unfold the model into a 2D pattern. I hope it’s not too time consuming or difficult The breastplate looks like it could be split into 12 separate vertical strips (6 for the front and 6 for the back).
This doesn’t sound like a lot of work. Blender has the ability to UV unwrap which is a projection to 2d for texturing. But I think I’m not sure what exactly you want to get done.
If I’m correct all you need is an unwrapped pattern of the armor in 2D. Very basic, No detail just the rough forms so you can cut it out. If yes this shouldn’t be a problem.
You could help the modeler a lot by providing another image from the side… Or better yet, a 2D drawing from front and side of exactly what you want, since you’re saying you don’t need the details.
This does sound like it’d be rather easy, but you’d be more likely to get what you really need with better references. Adding in details like measurements would help as well, since it’s pretty clear you’ve got a specific person in mind to wear it.
Those were the best references that were available. It wasn’t great but I got help from @Hapoofesgeli and managed to build this thanks to his modeling.