Need Help with "THX" Model Materials for Wedding Video

Hey All!

As stated above I’m getting married in 5 months and am in charge of creating the slideshow to be shown at the reception. Since I’m a movie guy, and the reception is in an old movie theater, I wanted to open the show with a custom “THX” intro to thank everyone for coming. So far what I have is below, and as you can see I’m just having trouble getting the logo to look like the same material as the original logo (also below). I realize my lighting (which is just a single emission plane directly in front of the logo) needs some work as well, but I’ve just been unable to give the material the right look. Any help or suggestions is greatly appreciated!

the problem isn’t the material, it’s the sloppy topography of the model. I am not sure how to fix it other than reconstructing it manually, either out of curves or mesh. it looks like a straightforward shape, but I am not sure what your modelling ability level is, so I can do it for you if you want. I am not sure how quickly you are able to reply due to your number of posts / moderation, so I’ll go ahead and make it…I will get on it in a few minutes.


I think there are 2 factors in recreating the THX logo …

1/ The material is anisotropic so the light is not evenly reflected
2/ The lighting of the object is critical

I quickly tried these 2 points to obtain this …

Obviously this is not exactly the same!
But it illustrates the material is not reflecting the light equally in every direction
And that the highlights on the letters are created by multiple lights set over the letters

Hope this helps, happy blendering in 2015


this mesh seems to work ok shading-wise though I have not added a material:
thx3.blend (1.44 MB)

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