Need more coffee.....tables

I am making a number of rooms and I needed more tables, so I spent the morning making tables. I intend to make a few more, but these should get me by for now…


And btw, even though this is in WIP, feel free to put it in the gallery anyway. :slight_smile: Just kidding.

triangles? what are those?

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are you going to share file ?

here is thread with many 3D models
some tables too i think

Blender Asset Conversion - Artwork / Works in Progress - Blender Artists Community

have fun with tables

happy bl

Sadly, none of the tables I’ve downloaded to convert for Blender have been small enough to allow uploading to this forum. I’ve got to cut them in half or quarters and use mirror modifiers or geometry nodes to get the file size down some more. This is complicated because 8/10 free models I download ARE NOT SYMMETRICAL for no good damn reason :cry:

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how come tables are so big ?
can it be like retopo or decimated for flat faces to lower verts count may be?

happy bl

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probably because of the bevels, I would think. Mine aren’t too dense. I could try stripping off the textures and uploading them.

Attempting upload…
tables_exp.blend (2.3 MB)

This is the diffuse texture…nothing special

i got a a file with some tables chair
some models were free model on net

let me know if you want file

@ Thinsolder
very nice table
the table has like 128 or 256 vertical loop
that is super high res
is it really needed to get a nice render
if you use smooth and edge modif?

happy bl

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I just set smooth and then auto smooth. I think on one I set an edge loop for smooth and left the rest flat. I tried a flatten normals on the square > round one but it didn’t make much diff so i just set it back to the smooth/auto smooth setting.

The leg base isn’t in there, but i can upload it as a separate file if you want.

I didn’t build it. I download free models and make them work in Blender. Whenever it’s possible/easy I try to reduce polycount as much as I can.

It is often possible to perfectly rebuild models using the screw modifier. Unfortunately the UVs generated by the screw modifier are not good so I’d have to apply the modifier and do the UVs manually. I don’t have the desire to do that so I usually keep most of the original model if it has already been UV mapped good enough.

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I kind of miss the spin-dup tool.

Now I have 10. and I figure I will throw in the chair and see if I can sell them as a collection on Gumroad or BlenderMarket. ( edit ) or both.


If, for some reason, I needed a photorealistic table, I would buy these :grin:

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The textures are kind of blah atm. I think I should give them full on PBR textures.

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They have a light-weight vibe that would make me download them in a heartbeat. If I then saw a big file size because of PBR textures I’d change my mind. I’d go with procedural or a single image texture that can be manipulated to also serve in the roles of roughness, specular, and bump.


I was kind of leaning toward the same philosophy. Anyone who s likely to download these models probably has a slough of PBR wood textures in their asset manager, and they are already optimally unwrapped. so…

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