Need Nan demo please....

Hi there,

Does anyone have the NAN 3d sound demo, in which planes fly past the camera and you have to shoot them down? it was very simple but had a cool script for controlling the cursor with the mouse and i seem to have lost it :frowning:

i would really appreciate it if anyone does have it could they send it me at [email protected]

thanks guys


Check your mailbox…

HE S_W would you like to send it to [email protected] so that I can put it on the Download page thnx


Wow, S_W, thanks for the quick response! :o

The blender community never fails to amaze me :smiley:

thanks again

I’m amazed that anyone still has that. S_W, I hope you back your files up(a few times) I used to have some more obscure files like that until my crash, and even though they were backed up, they erased somehow…RRRRR!

If you want I can also send you the official demo files of the Blender releases 2.04, 2.12, 2.14 and 2.20.

Yes, I’ve made a backup of them already, but it’s always better if some more people have them :wink:

Does anyone remember that demo with the tank coming towards you and then it does cut scenes with a clown laughing (out from the tank’s hatch)

Does anyone know what i’m talking about?

It was like an automated scene (using web-plugin).